Monday, April 25, 2011

She's growing up....

My little girl is growing up. On one side of the coin, I no longer have to worry too much about paying for Pull-ups or Diapers (she will still wear them at bed time just in case of an accident) but on the other side it means she's really no longer a baby.  She's a Big Kid now. She's even waking up in the middle of the night to go pee when she has to, for the past 4 nights she's either woken up or she's had a dry diaper in the morning. In any event during the training process I had promised her a party if she would use the toilet consistantly. Now she is and because she kept up her part of the bargain so did I. I threw her an underwear party.

Getting the party started

Let's boogey!

Chocolate, yummmmm - Nadra & Sabrina

It's all about Chocolate!! Should have just let Heather bring the cakes these were such a hit especially with Minuette

Heather watching the balloon fun!

A Bum Cake with UNDERWEAR!

Father David Popped by for some cake by demand of Minuette)

Cutting the Cake

waiting for Cake - Sherry & Heather

Looking for eggs!

Balloons on sticks are fun!

Heather: Look there's the days of the week on these. Min: cool what day is today?

Everyone all up in the underwear!!

It's all about the baskets ;-)

Stop taking pictures of me!!

The best seat in the house is a balloon!!!
Britney & Denise

Nadra really has her hands full!!

Nothing better than the love of a daughter and her mother!

A Day at the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum)

So today was the very first time Minuette had visited the ROM. She was accompanied by her Friend Benjamin and his mom Sarah and of course myself her mom. I think she had alot of fun but because there is soo much there she was a little overwhelmed.  Here are just a few pictures from the event.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Calling Doctor Dora

Last night Minuette wakes up says Mama I had a bad dream in my bad dream!

I ask her what it was about as she didn't seem to be all that troubled. Her response was:
I had 3 owies but it's okay Doctor Dora took my arm.

I am assuming Doctor Dora means to fix the owies on her arm and give it back but I am not sure as Minuette promptly went back to sleep after saying this to me.

Oh well maybe one day I will find out what happened!